May 26Liked by Dr Julia Grace Patterson💙

What is the psychology of a man that thinks he can get the public to blame striking NHS staff for the current situation? Apart from the fact that it’s not true it would be an indictment on the rest of us if we are to be attributed with thinking that NHS staff are mere chattels put on this earth to serve us for inadequate pay and conditions.

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May 26Liked by Dr Julia Grace Patterson💙

I’m having a bit of an argument over on Threads with someone who thinks the NHS being free at the point of use is unsustainable. I guess he’s entitled to his opinion but I suggested that maybe he has fallen for the right wing narrative. I dare say he will tell me not to worry my pretty little head about it.

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Oh no Suze! What’s he basing his argument on?

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May 27Liked by Dr Julia Grace Patterson💙

Not much at all. Only that other countries fund healthcare differently and have efficient services. I pointed out that the Government wants an American-style, insurance based system because anything else is socialism and that is Bad.

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Share this with him! The BMJ brought together some experts, and they considered this question and decided that continuing with the current model is best: https://www.bmj.com/nhs-commission Ju

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Thank you. I will.

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I’m told that the cost of health care in the USA has gone through the roof and is unsustainable. I’m also told that most health economists think the nhs model free at the point of use is efficient.

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May 26Liked by Dr Julia Grace Patterson💙

NHS never blame, lack of urgent staff and beds not supplied by government is to blame so is lack of fair wage increases.

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Totally agree Margo! Staff have been treated appallingly by politicians. We need to push the new government into supporting them properly!

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May 26Liked by Dr Julia Grace Patterson💙

Hammer to the nail!

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Ahh thank you Malcolm!⭐️⭐️⭐️

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May 27Liked by Dr Julia Grace Patterson💙

Thank you. He seems intent on destroying the NHS and blaming the doctors for his actions.

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His greatest skill seems to be to pass the buck!!

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Up here in Scotland some of the people I talk to have been convinced, by the media, that they can’t get a GP appointment, so they don’t try. My own experience is the opposite, I’ve never had any problem. The media are constantly blaming the NHS for its problems without any real evidence. MSM is behaving like a Conservative propaganda machine.

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